The authors of this report wish to express their heartfelt gratitude to the traditional chiefs, traditional council members, government, church and groups officials as well as the people in the different villages for their collaboration with the field team in the course of this study. Special thanks to Wilson Elangwe and Joyce Mote who understood the importance of the study and engulfed all odds (bad roads, trekking long distances, boating on open sea waters, limited finances, etc.) in implementing this study.
Our thanks also go to Rev. Dr. Sam Esale and Jackson Nanje, executive management representatives of the Dikome Balue Development Corporation (DEDICO) in USA for participating in joint planning meetings with Georgia Oroko Cultural Association’s Project Committee and for helping to coordinate activities of DEDICO field volunteers in Cameroon.
Indeed, our sincere thanks go to all members of Georgia Oroko Cultural Association for conceiving this great project and for allocating funds to ensure the study is carried out from start to finish. Thanks to Mr. Ati Adolphus for the pool of information he brought from his private trips to Cameroon. Those information have been included in the document.
We hope this study serves its purpose. It is also expected that this report will serve as a reference document for policy makers, students, government and non-governmental organizations as well as research institutions in fully understanding the concerns and needs of hospitals and healthcare facilities in the Oroko land. You ca read more on this project, and get your own copy here.