Itongi Basusu, Esa Retaka !
- Tata Mosongo Nanje
- Iya Caroline Pufong
- Tata Edimo Andrew
- Iya Diale Fomukong
Identify vocational trades, find trainers and request for applications from interested Oroko people, to be sponsored by OCA-USA, with the aim of building capacity and growing wealth within our community.
The committee held several meetings via zoom in a bid to reach its goals set out above and came up with the following findings:
- Trades: The following areas of vocational trades were identified for placement of selected candidates:
- Fashion designing/Tailoring
- Masonry
- Catering
- Motor Mechanics/Driving
- Welding
- Hair dressing
- Nursing assistant
- Survey
- Other: candidates were allowed to suggest areas of vocational training.
Following directives from the national President on the allotment per clan, we contacted the various clan representatives to shop for and provide us with their candidates. A draft application was then prepared for distribution to candidates. Once the applications were returned and vetted, we prepared contracts to send out to both the trainees and trainers. After receiving the contracts, we requested for funds from the national executive to the pay for the training.
- Trainers/Training Centers:
The following trainers/training centers were identified/contacted for placement of candidates:
- Nyongo James Etongwe (Etongwe and Sons Tailoring – Fashion design/Tailoring) – Buea Road, Kumba Tel: (+237) 672-243-309;
- Cameroon Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC) – Great Soppo Buea, Tel: (+237) 233-322-587;
- Swiss Association for Technical Assistance (S.A.T.A. – Carpentry, Masonry etc.) SATA Street, Kumba
- Okolle Justin Namangia – Agrovisc Buea-Agriculture and Animal husbandry – Tel: (+237) 674-534-786
- Barake Nke Brandon – TEL: (+237) 683-744-940 – Graphic Designer
- Bokanda Monica Otowe -Limbe– Tel: (237) 678-402-271-Beauty Salon Trainer
- Ngundue Gideon-Douala – Tel: (237) 676-610-506 – Motor Electrician
- Bekindaka Godwin –Kumba Tel: (237) 677-568-225 – Welder
- Nemba Alfred – Kumba Tel: (237) 679-598-974 – Motor Mechanic
- Naty’s Cakes and Pastries – Yaounde Tel: (237) 680-287-595 Pasteries
C. Trainees.
Based on the agreed selection criteria, the following candidates were selected for placement, in collaboration with the various clans’ representatives.
Nbr # | Trainee / Location | Village & Clan | Trade | Trainer / Address |
1 | Niongo Naomi Nema – Limbe | Masaka / Mbonge | Nursing | A&H Institute of Health Management-Limbe +237 676-186-717 |
2 | Fomba Valerie – Buea | 3 Corners Bekondo/Mbonge | Animal Farming | Agnes Nanyongo Ekema – Buea +237 652-151-170 |
3 | Brandon Mosima Diange – Kumba | Matondo II/Mbonge | Welding | OIC Buea +237 233-322-586 |
4 | Brandon Mukete Mosina – Kumba | Kake II/Bakundu | GlassWork – Limbe | St. Glory Orphanage – Limbe +237 677-526-728 |
5 | Jean Nku Mukwelle-Banga Bakundu | Banga Bakundu/Bakundu | Motor Mechanics/Driving | Ngu David & Bros Mechanics – Kumba +237 674-089-088 |
6 | Mukete Hans Noto-Kumba | Mbu Bakundu – Bakundu | Moto Mechanics/Driving | Dieudonne Cholabi-Tiko +237 651-234-665 |
7 | Mokumba Christiana Lobe-Kumba | Ekombe Liongo/Bamusso | Nursing Assistant | Rapha Health Institute-Kumba +237 676-377-244 |
8 | Faith Irene Ituka-Yaounde | Ngolo | Catering | Naty’s Cakes and Pastries – Yaounde 237-680287595 |
9 | Nanji Dionda Ngumere – Yaounde | Beoko – Ngolo | Welding | Yannick Welding Shop Yaounde +237 673-373-629 |
10 | Oroh Vincent Lakise – Buea | Itoki – Bakundu | Motor Mechanics | OIC-Buea +237 233-322-586 |
11 | Anamani Stacy – Kumbs | Dibonda – Batanga | Nursing Assistant | Rapha Health Institute-Kumba +237 676-377-244 |
12 | Esono Rene Motina-Ekondo-Titi | Itali – Batanga | Masonry | OIC-Buea +237 233-322-586 |
13 | Nekongo Sharon Nema-Kumba | Weme – Balondo | Fashion Design/Tailoring | Etongwe & Sons Tailoring Kumba +237 672-243-309 |
14 | Jane Jelly Mungonge-Kumba | Ebobe – Balue | Nursing Assistant | Rapha Health Institute-Kumba +237 676-377-244 |
15 | Elangwe Elizabeth Ule-Kumba | Ebobe – Balue | Fashion Design/Tailoring | Justine Delco – Kumba +237 680-661-102 |
16 | Motale Otance Ngonde – Kumba | Bisoro – Balue | Nursing Assistance | EPVTC – Kumba +237 671-003848 |
17 | Theresia Fembe Epie-Limbe | Bafaka – Balue | Hair Dressing | Clair Beauty Saloon Limbe+237675182682 |
18 | Nambangi Peter Elangwe-Douala | Big Bekondo – Mbonge | Electricity | High Tech Bilingual High School – Douala +237 653-863-155 |
19 | Ekondo Hannah Mosume | Kake II – Bakundu | Project Management | Dione Precious Abwe Betika Enterprise Institute-Kumba +237 673-061-095 |
Vocations Summary:
- Nursing Assistant – 5
- Motor Mechanics – 3
- Welding – 2
- Fashion Design – 2
- Electricity – 1
- Catering – 1
- Hair Dressing – 1
- Masonry – 1
- Project Management – 1
- Animal Farming – 1
- Glasswork – 1
- That a contract be signed with each candidate, to complete the training and with each trainer to train the candidates in exchange for the training fee to be paid by OCA-USA.
- Clan coordinators will hold their candidates accountable while OCA-USA will hold coordinators accountable for their candidates.
- OCA-USA to appoint a Project coordinator within the executive to follow up project and provide feedback.
- That a progress chart be maintained to track the progress and performance of the candidates throughout the period of training.
- OCA-USA should consider purchasing tools and equipment needed by candidates to set up their own business upon completion of their training.
- Trained candidates who successfully complete training, pledge to take in and train other Oroko people interested in their trade at a reduced fee or for free.
- Trainers/trainees to take and post videos during training and at graduation, to be posted on the OCA-USA website.
Payments made for vocational training are as follows:
- Nanji Dionda Ngumere-$576.40 Welding in Yaounde
- Theresia Fembe-$334.96 Hair Dressing in Limbe
- Mungonge Jane Jelly-$236.16 Nursing Assistant in Kumba
- Fomba valerie-$575.33 Animal farming in Buea
- Nambangi Peter Elangwe-$575.33 Electricity in Douala
- Elangwe Elizabeth Ule-$395.91 Tailoring in Kumba
- Mukete Hans Noto-$594.30 Mechanic in Kumba
- Faith Irene-$206.25 Catering in Yaounde
- Niongo Naomi Nema-$593.91 Nursing in Limbe
- Esono Rene Motina $593.27 Masonry in OIC Buea
- Brandon Mosina $590.16 Glassworks in Limbe
- Motale Otance Ngonde-$437.51 Nursing Assistant (first year) in Kumba
- Anamani Stayci-$504.58 for Nursing Assistant in Kumba
- Mokumba Christiana Lobe-$504.58 for Nursing Assistant in Kumba
- Brandon Mosima Diange-$574.42 for Welding at OIC Buea
- Oroh Vincent Lakise $578.25 for Motor Mechanics at OIC Buea
- Ekondo Hannah Mosume $395.88 for Nursing Assistant in Kumba.
- Jean Nku Mukwelle $583.76 for Motor Mechanics in Kumba
- Nekongo Sharon Nema 291.21 for Project Management in Kumba
Total amount received $9,000
Total amount disbursed $9,124.27 (Deficit Balance $124.27)