Frederick N. Bebe, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Professor, Poultry Science
College of Agriculture, Community and the Sciences
Kentucky State University
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
Dr. Bebe is a Research Professor/Principal Investigator in the School of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the College of Agriculture, Community and the Sciences at Kentucky State University. Prior to becoming a research professor, he was a research associate and senior research associate/Co-investigator with the Nutrition and Health Program of the Community Research Service at Kentucky State University. His research interests include trace minerals in human and animal health; health effects of commercial and endocrine disrupting pesticides; parasites resistance in small ruminants; skin cancer assessment of limited resource minority agricultural populations; improving performance and health of pasture-based poultry.
Dr. Bebe holds a BS and MS in Animal Science from Prairie View A&M Alabama A&M University respectively, and a Doctor of Public Health degree from the University of Science, Arts & Technology – College of Medicine and Graduate School, Denver CO. He has solid background in nutrition and public health (cancer epidemiology) and expertise in the design and conduct of animal experiments, xenobiotic-induced oxidative stress, and biosafety and biomarker research. He is currently Principal Investigator of a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Evans-Allen Grant and USDA Capacity Building Grant funded projects. He is Co-Principal Investigator on a number other research projects.
Dr. Bebe is also a special topic graduate student lecturer and is involved in the training of STEM undergraduate students in laboratory research and biochemical methods. His research career spans over 2 decades. He has published extensively in scientific journals– more than 25-refereed articles, two book chapters and over a hundred published abstracts and presentations. He sits on the editorial board of CANCER+ journal and is a reviewer of several scientific journals including Biological Trace Element Research, Cell Biology and Toxicology, Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology and Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology. He is a recent recipient of the President’s Volunteer Service Award.
Dr. Bebe was born in Banga Bakundu, Cameroon where he began his primary education and graduating in Council School Kombone Town. He attended Saint Augustine’s College Nso and CAS Kumba, secondary and post-secondary. He proceeded to the US for further study after a short spell at the Faculty of Laws of the University of Yaounde and employment with the Ministry of Mines & Power, Yaounde, Cameroon. He is one of the founding members of Oroko USA and has held different positions in the Organization, including Secretary General, and President from 2005- 2009.